Bon Voyage

Mindless Blogging of Trips

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Toilets in Tokyo, Taipei, and Hong Kong

All three places offer both the squating style and the sitting style toilets for ladies. Apparently many Japanese ladies prefer the squating style since they are the most available among the three places. So do some Taiwanese ladies. Well, isn't there some study that claims squating is good for the bladder? However, the squating style toilets are not as available in Hong Kong. I guess North Americans and Europeans aren't really accustomed to them. Both Tokyo and Taipei have the most public restrooms. Every train, metro, and MRT station has public restrooms. Hong Kong, on the other hand, has no public restroom in any MTR or CRT station, making the life of us travellers lots more difficult. The cutest thing about public restrooms in Taipei is that posted on the door of each stall is a poem encouraging people to aim directly and to flush the toilet after use. Very cool.


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