Bon Voyage

Mindless Blogging of Trips

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Yosemite 2006 - Cathedral Lake

After hours of hiking up and down the hills, it was a wonderful feeling to sit by the lake side, soaking the well-used feet into the icy cold lake water and relaxing the body under the sun. Surrounded the transquility, the touch of the breeze, and the warmth of the sun, the soul, the mind, and the body get their shares of comfort and soothing.

The upper Cathedral Lake of Yosemite is gorgeous. You can see mama deers with bambi run around the lake shore, a backpackers taking out his fishing rod and enjoying a placid afternoon.

For us, after a refreshing nap, it was time for energy boose. An oriental style chicken and rice with vegetables was served within miutes. Fruits and a cup of hot tea to wrap up the meal. It was a great meal.


  • At 3:13 PM, Blogger foxcute said…

    Gyaa.... keren bok!!!
    BTW, bisa bahasa indo gak? abis bahasa inggrisku ancur2an
    i do love travel too.
    Can you give me some travelling tips?

  • At 1:52 PM, Blogger Sajan Babbar said…

    Great use of pictures and content, it all goes in great and reflects on the topic well. I love to travel and I find this blog interesting.


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