Bon Voyage

Mindless Blogging of Trips

Friday, June 08, 2007

Lassen National Park

Yeah yeah, I know I haven't blogged anything about my trip to NZ, which was fabulous. Too many memorable events happened during the trip. I am overwhelmed by the daunting task of sorting through all the pictures and writing down all the stores in words. One day, I guarantee you, one day I will start telling you all the glorious stories. However, before I get to that, let me tell you about our trip to Lassen National Park.

If you have been following my blog, you probably know that my hubby and I have a tradition of visiting/camping at Yosemite every year. This year, we went beyond Yosemite. (In reality, we went to Lassen because it is closer and the trip was last minute thing). We car-camped the first night just outside of Lassen, at a town called Mineral. In the morning, we drive into Lassen and hiked up the Peak trail.

The Peak trail is an awesome trail. The trail head is located at above 8000 ft elevation. The trail is 2.5 miles long with 2000 ft. During the Memorial Day weekend, the trail was 50% cover with snow. That morning we started "early", before 10 AM. We hiked in snow up the first 1.5 miles with not too much elevation gain. Along the way we met several groups of people carrying their ski and snowboard equipments. They planned to ski/snowboard down the chute when they got to the top! As I said, the first 1.5 miles was pretty easy. Just snow. We had our trekking poles. When we got to the rest point before 0.9 mies (after 1 hour), we rested a little and took some pictures. Looking up, we knew we had a long way to go before getting to the top. So after 15 mins rest, we marched on! As we gained elevation, the wind grew stronger and the temperature dropped faster. We had our beanies, gloves, thermal layer, and fleece layer on. The sun was really strong and with the reflection from snow, I could hardly see anything without my sunglasses. Eventually (another hour), we got to the top. There, we enjoyed gusty wind and watched people get ready to ski down the chute. We took pictures. After a little while, we decided to head down as we could see more and more people were getting to the peak. On the way down (which was much faster), we stopped at a hiding place to eat our lunch and napped for 15 mins. It was a good nap as the surrounding was completely tranquil. Seeing that time was getting late (~past 1pm), we galloped down the hill by sliding down the snow-covered slopes. On our way down, we met more visitors, wearing T-shirts and shorts. We wondered how they survived up at the peak because the weather got much colder and it was windier in the afternoon. We met a family, whose father was determined to get to the top. The daughter, trailing back, was not really impressed with the trip. I am sure no one would when one hiked in the snow with jeans and sneakers. Back near the trail head, we decided to have some fun and slided down a slope on our butts. That was fun, but our butts and pants were all wet. Good that we had clothes to change.

With us getting back to the trail head before 2 p.m., we enjoyed a ice-cool latte at the store and continued with our touring of the park. We stopped by the Summit Lake and the museum at the North entrance. There are quite a few more hiking trails that we would want to check out, including BumHell pass. I think Lassen is a place we would go back :)

Thursday, March 08, 2007

NewZealand, Here We come!

Two more days to departing for Kiwi land! I am so excited :) This will be the first 2+ week trip I have taken in years. I am going to the land of "The Lord of the Rings" with my hubbie, of course. (Hehe, for my last long trip, I actutally went without him.) We join a local active adventure tour for 2 weeks and then we will spend a couple of days in the cities.

To prepare for the trip, we
* bought travel insurance!
* checked out the list of gears needed for the adventure tour
* added SUNBLOCK, DEETS OFF, and moleskin to the list
* rushed to the library to get tour books on NZ
* went through the list of (first-aid) medications we would bring
* went shopping for light-weight, dry-fast clothings
* went shopping for medications
* went again for more medications after talking with a friend who went there before
* went shopping for more clothings
* went again shopping for more clothings (REI had a 35% off sales!)
* went shopping for spare camera battery and spare CF
* went shopping for a converter/adapter
* went shopping for travel kits
* checked constantly against the list to see if anyting is missing
* checked that we have daypacks and hydration systems
* attended a local NZ tour presentation @ local library

Before actually leaving the country, we are already broke :P

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Post Thanksgiving @ SinCity

Thursday, October 19, 2006


The last leg of our trip over the labour day weekend was a day hike to cloudrest. The hike included a 800 feet drop in elevation and then immediately gained back 1000+ feet. It took us quite a while in order to get to the top.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

From Cathedral to Sunrise

Quoted from Merriam-Webster OInline Dictionary:

"Compass: 3 a : a device for determining directions by means of a magnetic needle or group of needles turning freely on a pivot and pointing to the magnetic north."

"Map: 1 a : a representation usually on a flat surface of the whole or a part of an area."

As one can see, maps and compasses are for plotting routes and determining directions. Before going to any unfamiliar places, most people would have gotten a map of the area and studied the routes to be taken. While traveling, the map would constantly be consulted and surrounding would be surveyed against the map.

We did all of the above except the last on our way from Cathedral lakes to Sunrise lakes. Halfway to Sunrise, we stopped at the High Sierra camp area and enjoyed a quick lunch. After the lunch we were to continue North for 2.5 miles, with 2 hike ups and then down to the lakes. Believing we would be at the lake early and thinking of enjoying ourselves at the lake, we climbed and climbed. After an hour, we reached the peak of the hike and went down the steep hill. "Interesting, how come the route seems to be leading toward a valley? We dropped like 1000 feet already, but there is no sign of any lakes?" Puzzled, we finally decided to ask another backpacker camping along a creek. "Excuse me, do you know how much further we have to go before hitting Sunrise Lakes?" "Hmmm... this trail does not lead to Sunrise. Sunrise is on the other side of the hill. I am sorry, but you will have to climb all the way up and head North."

So there we were. Exhausted and expecting to see the lake soon, we found out that we went the wrong way two hours ago. We took a wrong turn at High Sierra camp and went South instead of North. We had maps and a compass with us, but we didn't check. We had too much confidence in our own.

Eventually, we made it to the lake, right when the sky turned completely dark. Muscle aching from carrying all the gears for hours, exhausting from hiking up and down the hills, worrying and hoping not to have hike in the dark, we got to our destinations 4~5 hours later than expected. But we made it and it was quite an experience!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Yosemite 2006 - Cathedral Lake

After hours of hiking up and down the hills, it was a wonderful feeling to sit by the lake side, soaking the well-used feet into the icy cold lake water and relaxing the body under the sun. Surrounded the transquility, the touch of the breeze, and the warmth of the sun, the soul, the mind, and the body get their shares of comfort and soothing.

The upper Cathedral Lake of Yosemite is gorgeous. You can see mama deers with bambi run around the lake shore, a backpackers taking out his fishing rod and enjoying a placid afternoon.

For us, after a refreshing nap, it was time for energy boose. An oriental style chicken and rice with vegetables was served within miutes. Fruits and a cup of hot tea to wrap up the meal. It was a great meal.

Friday, August 04, 2006

When is my next trip?

Labour day weekend is fast approaching. I am all excited about our annual Yosemite trip. This year we plan to do a loop. That means, we will be moving from site to site. How exciting!!! I dont remember where we will be heading yet, but I am sure my camera will be ready!