Bon Voyage

Mindless Blogging of Trips

Sunday, September 10, 2006

From Cathedral to Sunrise

Quoted from Merriam-Webster OInline Dictionary:

"Compass: 3 a : a device for determining directions by means of a magnetic needle or group of needles turning freely on a pivot and pointing to the magnetic north."

"Map: 1 a : a representation usually on a flat surface of the whole or a part of an area."

As one can see, maps and compasses are for plotting routes and determining directions. Before going to any unfamiliar places, most people would have gotten a map of the area and studied the routes to be taken. While traveling, the map would constantly be consulted and surrounding would be surveyed against the map.

We did all of the above except the last on our way from Cathedral lakes to Sunrise lakes. Halfway to Sunrise, we stopped at the High Sierra camp area and enjoyed a quick lunch. After the lunch we were to continue North for 2.5 miles, with 2 hike ups and then down to the lakes. Believing we would be at the lake early and thinking of enjoying ourselves at the lake, we climbed and climbed. After an hour, we reached the peak of the hike and went down the steep hill. "Interesting, how come the route seems to be leading toward a valley? We dropped like 1000 feet already, but there is no sign of any lakes?" Puzzled, we finally decided to ask another backpacker camping along a creek. "Excuse me, do you know how much further we have to go before hitting Sunrise Lakes?" "Hmmm... this trail does not lead to Sunrise. Sunrise is on the other side of the hill. I am sorry, but you will have to climb all the way up and head North."

So there we were. Exhausted and expecting to see the lake soon, we found out that we went the wrong way two hours ago. We took a wrong turn at High Sierra camp and went South instead of North. We had maps and a compass with us, but we didn't check. We had too much confidence in our own.

Eventually, we made it to the lake, right when the sky turned completely dark. Muscle aching from carrying all the gears for hours, exhausting from hiking up and down the hills, worrying and hoping not to have hike in the dark, we got to our destinations 4~5 hours later than expected. But we made it and it was quite an experience!